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I wrote my first poem in the 4th grade. 

Animal Alphabet

Arguing Alligator,

Boasting Bear,

Crying Cat,

Dirty Dog,

Elegant Elephant,

Fight Fish,

Gnawing Giraffe,

Hungry Hog,

Icky Iguana,

Jerky Jackrabbit,

Kiddin' Kitten,

Lying Lion,

Mickey Mouse,

Nasty Nightengale,

Okay Octopus,

Pesty Parrot,

Quacky Quetzal,

Radiant Rabit,

Slow Snail,

Trumpled Turtle,

Unique Unicorn,

Vicious Vulture,

Warring Walrus,

Young Yak, and

Zany Zebra,

are all funny animals. 

Improvement was inevitable.

The End. 

Circa 1984

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