Stormy PoeticJustice
That's why.
Because you feel comfortable telling me to smile
Because I’m here to entertain you
Because you call me “sassy” when I’m being direct
Because you think I’m too sensitive
Because a gathering of more than two of us is assumed to be a gang
Because you accuse me of being loud, even when I am whispering
Because you called me an Oreo
Because it was meant as a compliment
Because you don’t think I sound Black over the phone
Because “may I help you” actually means “I expect you to steal”
Because toy guns get us killed
Because police cars make me nervous
Because police officers make me nervous
Because we’re still taught to avoid direct eye-contact
Because that’s disrespectful
Because that could get us killed
Because you don’t make eye contact with me
Because you don’t see me
Because my son will likely be arrested someday
Because our fathers, brothers, and sons are jailed at disproportionate rates
Because my brothers always fit the description
Because self-defense is ruled murder
Because murder is ruled suicide
Because for you, drugs are possessed by hippies, and, for us, drugs are possessed by felons
Because you can’t vote if you’re a felon
Because 3/5 counting is still happening
Because I can’t convince everyone to vote
Because voting machines are rigged
Because you expected Michelle Obama to snap her fingers and roll her eyes
Because Donald Trump is a presidential candidate
Because I have to tell you that Black lives matter
Because you retort with “all lives matter”
Because driving (or shopping, or walking, or flying…) while Black is not a joke, it’s a reality
Because you are offended by the concept of white privilege
Because your knapsack is invisible
Because you think racism is a thing of the past
Because you think we should be over slavery by now
Because you think I should forgive any transgression
Because you think affirmative action is unnecessary
Because you think reverse racism exists
Because you blamed me for the diversity training you had to “sit through”
Because you suddenly remembered to lock your car door
Because I said, “I’m from Milwaukee”, and your response was, “But where are you really from?”
Because I don’t know where I’m really from
Because my heritage was stolen from me
Because massacres on the continent of Africa are not newsworthy
Because Facebook doesn’t offer a filter for that
Because you use the N word when (you think) no Black people are around
Because you have an opinion as to whether or not I use the N word
Because of the misuse of the word urban
Because you take credit for building this country, but blame us for its destruction
Because confederate flags still fly on state buildings
Because Darkey Springs Road, Jim Crow Road, Dead Negro Hollow, Uncle Tom’s Creek, Niggerhead Ranch…
Because you corrected me when I referred to myself as Black, instead of African-American
Because you are not referred to as European-American
Because you taught me Christianity to pacify me
Because Black churches are still burning
Because I’ve never had a Black professor
Because you call me articulate
Because you told me that the Cosby Show was unrealistic
Because he was a doctor, and she was a lawyer
Because you told me that becoming a doctor isn’t a realistic goal
Because you’re surprised when I tell you that I have a Master’s Degree
Because you’re surprised when I tell you that I went to college
Because you’re surprised when I tell you that I went to private school
Because you’re surprised when I tell you that I graduated from high school
Because I didn’t become a doctor
Because the income gap between you and I is increasing, not decreasing
Because our children are not educated equally
Because better schools usually means whiter schools
Because you teach our children to reach for success in the form of sports, not education
Because a college degree is optional
Because I have to tell you not to touch my hair without permission
Because you are offended when I do
Because my daughter hates her hair
Because I had to learn not to hate my hair
Because I don’t have good hair
Because my hair-care products have anti-theft devices
Because cornrows and locks are unprofessional when worn by me
Because cornrows and locks are edgy when worn by you
Because you refer to my beauty as exotic
Because my picture is always used to prove diversity
Because you complain that you have to tan in order to achieve my skin color
Because you think our children are “just so precious”
Because you wanted a brown baby since they’re cuter
Because you won’t call me for an interview if my name is too ethnic
Because Blackface is an acceptable costume on Halloween
Because Blackface is acceptable ever
Because you think you’re an expert on hip-hop culture
Because we are used as props/accessories in music videos
Because Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift…
Because the first Disney Princess was created in 1937
Because no Disney princess had dark skin until 2009
Because you don’t see color
Because you body-shame our strong athletes
Because Sarah Baartman was featured in in French zoos
Because Hottentot Venus
Because over-sexualization
Because you assume I can dance
Because you thought I’d be excited about Lay’s Chicken and Waffles potato chips
Because I have to drive to a specific store to purchase a greeting card that features Black people
Because you asked me why there isn’t a white history month
Because you responded “of course” when I told you that I was raised by my mother
Because no matter what my brother does, my nephew doesn’t have a chance
Because a high school boyfriend got in trouble for dating me
Because you don’t date Black girls
Because you hit on me when you’re drunk
Because your friends dared you to do it
Because you “have a lot of Black friends”
Because white men walk in front of me, and do not hold the door for me
Because you are uncomfortable in a room full of Black people
Because I am usually the only Black person in the room
Because age is an excuse for racism
Because geography is an excuse for racism
Because tradition is an excuse for racism
Because only Black people can be welfare queens
Because after 26 straight years of working, I was denied unemployment
Because $165 per month to feed a family of four
Because you asked me if I grew up in the ghetto
Because not all of us have bootstraps to pull ourselves up by
Because home ownership is not the norm
Because red-lining still happens
Because it was no accident that “Mother to Son” was the first poem I had to memorize
Because you want me to stop making everything about race
Because when you silence me, I have to speak louder
Because sometimes I have to shout
Because you continue to provide me with material for my poems
Because I’m expected to be strong
Because I’m expected to be weak
Because I’m not expected to be angry
Because I’m not free
25 November 2015