Stormy PoeticJustice

6 October 1999
Like You?
If I were beautiful like you,
they would hang on my every word –
repeating my pop-culture phrases
like some mind-numbing mantra.
They would wear what I wore
(whatever the current MTV VJ
or bubble gum pop star deems cool)
no matter how absurd we all look,
dressed like clowns.
You cover us all like a virus –
infecting unwary girls and women
who are supposed to know better.
I wish I had the strength to say,
“I hate you and your waif-child image
that’s plastered on every third page
of otherwise decent magazines!”
Instead I am one of them –
the mindless lemmings that jump
just because the one before it jumped.
I starve myself and my body
feasts on itself for nourishment.
I vomit and silently pray
that no one can hear my retching.
I exercise until I fall exhausted,
crying out in pain that’s
more emotional than physical.
And all the while I am fully aware
that no matter what I do to myself,
I’ll never be
beautiful like you.