Stormy PoeticJustice
I want to be fearless…
I want to run a marathon
and feel
at mile twenty-five,
that I could easily run
another ten.
I want to be my own
version of wonder woman,
and laugh at those
supposed iron men.
I want to be fearless…
I want to learn to play
an instrument
in public –
open my case for tips
and let strangers
subsidize my experiment.
I want to drum on stage
I want to be fearless…
I want to shout “I love you!”
from a rooftop
without apology.
I want to whisper the same
in your ear
without worrying
that you will not
say it back to me.
I want to tell you regardless –
because it is true.
I want to be fearless…
I want to walk right up to Ani
on the streets of New York City,
quote her poetry,
and not care if she thinks
I’m a stalker or a loser
or worse.
I want to quote for her my own verse
and inspire her to put music
to my words.
I want to be fearless…
I want to go to a psychic,
let her see my soul,
read my aura, and
predict my future.
I want to admit to my friends
the fact that I believe
in psychics.
I want to be fearless…
I want to travel
to a foreign country
with no knowledge
of the language
or culture and no map.
I want to run
my own amazing race.
I want to be fearless…
I want to hang over dangerous cliffs
that are sprinkled with warning signs,
and shoot breathtaking photographs.
I want to know
that if I fall,
God will catch me,
simply because my art
is too important
for my lie
to end in a cliché.
I want to be fearless…
I want to refer to myself
as ‘poet’
without hesitation
and dare anyone to disagree.
I dare you to disagree.
I want to be fearless…
I want to fear less…
I want to be fearless…
28 December 2010